<< All Major Arcana

XXI. The World in Combination with Major Arcana Tarot.
The World + The Fool (XXI + 0)
- Pursuit of a dream. Journey to a new place.
- International travel. Adventures.
- The goal eludes or has eluded you.
- Advice to rid yourself of illusions once and for all.
The World + The Magician (XXI + I)
- Everything started during this period will be successful.
- Promotion at work.
- Receiving titles and honors.
- Happiness, luck.
- An idea that has found worthy realization.
- Do what you want.
- Tourism.
- Language skills.
- Foreigner.
The World + The High Priestess (XXI + II)
- Successful resolution of the situation depends on feminine intuition.
- A woman will bring you success and joy.
- Discovery.
- Completion of an educational institution.
- Broadness, completeness of information.
The World + The Empress (XXI + III)
- Birth of a child. Successful management of household and care for offspring.
- Inheritance. Victory.
- Fascinating romantic journey abroad.
- Many impressions. Enjoyment.
- Remarkable personality.
- A person open to many things.
- Success, communication, changes.
- Action. The matter takes a new turn.
- Ideas bear fruit.
- Well-being.
- All is well in relationships.
- Completion of a life cycle.
- Natural departure from life for an elderly woman.
The World + The Emperor (XXI + IV)
- Success in all endeavors. Achievement of goals, pinnacle.
- Flourishing empire. Solid firm with an authoritative leader (director).
- Person in the right place. Career.
- Money comes to you naturally.
- Language studies.
- Business expanding its spheres of influence.
- Business trip.
- Work abroad.
- Foreign man.
- Relocation with change of residence.
The World + The Hierophant (XXI + V)
- Fortunate circumstances.
- Dedication.
- Spiritual development.
- Creating a family.
- Broadening horizons.
- Success, inner development.
- Reconciliation with different views.
- Cosmopolitanism, tolerance, acceptance of other perspectives.
- Finding one’s place in life.
- Religious trip, pilgrimage.
- Traditional country with strong roots.
The World + The Lovers (XXI + VI)
- Achievement of desires is very close. Luck is near.
- Finding your soulmate.
- Moving to a new level in relationships.
- Successful completion of a journey.
- Starting a family.
- Possible relocation abroad.
- Working in international companies.
The World + The Chariot (XXI + VII)
- Complete victory.
- Cessation of hostilities, truce.
- Hopes fulfilled, difficulties behind – achieving peace.
- Agreements.
- Journey abroad.
- Transportation, import/export.
The World + Strength (XXI + VIII)
- If you want peace, prepare for war. Courage, resilience, inner strength will soon be needed.
- It’s essential to extinguish the conflict with all your might.
- Victory over oneself.
- Inner integrity.
- You are on the right path.
- Reward.
- Working in a large company. Energy expenditure.
The World + The Hermit (XXI + IX)
- Long-awaited success.
- All debts are paid.
- Roads are open. Your abilities have finally been realized.
- Integration of personality.
- Idea and its realization.
- Need for change of place, travel to become wiser.
- Wisdom has brought you to Olympus.
The World + The Wheel of Fortune (XXI + X)
- Exceptional case. Fulfillment of desires. Rise. Joy. Time to reap what has been sown.
- Achieving results.
- Reaching peaks in something.
- Changes bringing reward.
The World + Justice (XXI + XI)
- The decision will be in your favor.
- Acquittal.
- Success. Everything is falling into place. Happy outcome.
- Overseas contract.
- Obtaining a visa abroad.
The World + The Hanged Man (XXI + XII)
- Time to pay bills or collect debts.
- Punishment. Getting stuck in the past.
- War. Someone doesn’t want peace.
- Revolution.
The World + Death (XXI + XIII)
- Pursuit of unattainable goals.
- You knew what you were aiming for.
- Summing up.
- If a person is ill, they may die.
- Rebirth for everything else.
- Might change countries.
The World + Temperance (XXI + XIV)
- It’s time to reconcile with the situation. Understand, forgive, and move on.
- Unification, synthesis.
- Achieving harmony in case of conflict.
- Everything has been resolved.
- Return of luck.
The World + The Devil (XXI + XV)
- Don’t give in. Yielding to temptation means exposing yourself to danger.
- Hostile environment.
- There’s an envier in the circle.
The World + The Tower (XXI + XVI)
- Conflict brewing.
- Loss of respect.
- Higher powers will help you find yourself anew.
- Mistake possible.
The World + The Star (XXI + XVII)
- Dream come true.
- Success in all endeavors.
- Talent revealed.
- Your work may be overseas.
- Receiving awards, honors.
- Career advancement.
- Favor of destiny.
The World + The Moon (XXI + XVIII)
- Everything falls into place.
- Success in a creative project.
- Journey abroad in search of success.
- Great wealth.
- Luck.
The World + The Sun (XXI + XIX)
- Creative success. Opportunity to realize your ideas.
- Implementation of a creative project.
- Meeting a good person. Trust in them.
- Foreign man. Marriage abroad.
- Luck. Success. Soon wealth.
- Dream fulfilled.
The World + Judgment (XXI + XX)
- Can’t escape fate. Do what you must and be what will be.
- Promotion.
- You have complete control over the situation.
- Destiny favors you.
- Changes that have changed everything.
- Journey will be successful.