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XX. Judgement in Combination with Major Arcana Tarot.
The Judgement + The Fool (XX + 0)
- Will be asked about foolishness and irresponsibility.
- Changes led to nothing.
- Everything was decided for him.
- Decision through court.
- Public performance.
- Discoveries. Creative surge.
- Prophecy.
- Miracle of healing.
- Birth.
The Judgement + The Magician (XX + I)
- Prepare for changes in life.
- You will have to start doing something.
- You cannot influence what will happen.
- Slow changes. The person wants them themselves.
- Retirement from work.
- If not working, then find a job.
- Change in relationships.
- Professional growth. Promotion.
- Unveiling of creative abilities.
The Judgement + The High Priestess (XX + II)
- Revelation of secrets. Seek the reasons.
- Information needs to be made clear and accessible.
- Everything becomes clear, understandable.
- The main role will be assigned to a woman. She will decide everything.
- Improvement of the situation.
- Healing.
- Ancestry, elderly people.
- Work with past lives, ancestral karma.
The Judgement + The Empress (XX + III)
- Will, desire to resolve an issue.
- Slow changes.
- Remarriage.
- Pregnancy. Gestation. Childbirth.
- Karmic ties with mother, female lineage.
- Creative surge.
- Unveiling of talents, abilities, potentials.
The Judgement + The Emperor (XX + IV)
- Trials of strength for the person.
- Growth of authority.
- Time of favorable slow changes at work, in life, in love.
- Revival of business, firm, organization. Return to the previous order, husband.
- Generosity, forgiveness, mercy.
- Expansion of projects, family.
- Karma along the male lineage.
The Judgement + The Hierophant (XX + V)
- Trial that you must overcome.
- Opportunity to become free or, conversely, imprisoned.
- Views reconciling us with the past.
- Faith that gives strength.
- Deep religiosity inherited.
- Hereditary beliefs. Continuing the father’s business, family, continuity.
- Ancestral karma.
The Judgement + The Lovers (XX + VI)
- Your choice is determined by fate.
- Growing feelings.
- Care for loved ones.
The Judgement + The Chariot (XX + VII)
- Won lawsuit or another victory that will not pass you by.
- Consolidation of victory.
- Sudden changes.
- Keep your plans secret.
- Destiny makes you move in a certain direction.
- Sudden changes will question yesterday’s friendship.
- Rebirth.
- Breakthrough from external problems through obstacles.
- Job offer, career prospects, growth realization.
The Judgement + Strength (XX + VIII)
- Fate prepares trials. Strength, courage, resilience — all will be needed to resist its vicissitudes.
- Growth of potential.
- Your soul is torn apart.
- Be prepared for decisive changes in your life.
The Judgement + The Hermit (XX + IX)
- Events will occur that will make you think.
- Time for reassessment, making a wise decision.
- Changes that need to be accepted. They are for the better.
- Time to put a period.
- Agreement with yourself.
- You have been waiting for the verdict of fate.
- It is pronounced — and it’s not so bad.
- Take action. Overcome difficulties.
- You will answer only to yourself.
The Judgement + The Wheel of Fortune (XX + X)
- Fateful decision. If you do not make it, fate will decide for you.
- Inspiring changes.
- Need for change of place, change of surroundings, new development.
- Time to go.
- You are capable of winning this case. Luck is on your side.
- Fortune has turned its face to you. Favor of fate.
The Judgement + Justice (XX + XI)
- Need, possibly to your detriment, to resolve the matter justly. It will be taken into account.
- Your past wrongdoings are not forgotten, and you will have to answer for them.
- Recognition of past mistakes.
- Chance to do it now.
- Irreversible decision.
- Will they put you away? Yes.
The Judgement + The Hanged Man (XX + XII)
- Perhaps you will have to pay a fine, or perhaps sacrifice something more serious.
- Radical change. Repentance.
- Retribution. A turn of events will be unexpected and unlikely to be good.
The Judgement + Death (XX + XIII)
- Much needs to be reconsidered in your life or something fateful, serious is approaching you.
- Prolonged legal process.
- Retribution.
- Closing of karma.
- Reassessment of values.
- Transformation of personality. Change of image.
- A radical change of scenery awaits you.
The Judgement + Temperance (XX + XIV)
- Sudden change from a sluggish state.
- Acceleration of the healing process.
- Changes have occurred. Irreversible process.
- Not always ready for such changes, a turn of events.
- You will regain what you considered forever lost.
- Rapid changes that leave you stunned.
- Do not make abrupt moves. Do not tempt fate.
The Judgement + The Devil (XX + XV)
- “The humpback will correct the grave.”
- Temptation as a trial.
- Unwillingness to transform.
- It’s too late to turn away from this path, you are to blame yourself.
- Temptation to wear the judge’s mantle.
- Awakening akin to death.
- Stage of defeat.
- You’ve been asked for.
- No turning back.
The Judgement + The Tower (XX + XVI)
- Fate prepares serious trials for you.
- You must accept what is happening.
- Troubles with the law.
- Verdict.
The Judgement + The Star (XX + XVII)
- Fate’s verdict.
- What you did in the past, you will have to pay for now.
- You will not be condemned.
- Favorable circumstances. Enlightenment.
- Restoration of faith in life.
- Fate has given you a chance. It is important to be able to use it.
- Hope for changes, but if you do nothing, fate will decide for you.
The Judgement + The Moon (XX + XVIII)
- Fear of punishment, retribution.
- Fear of condemnation.
- Confusion. Discrepancy.
- Help from the subconscious.
- Divergence of interests.
The Judgement + The Sun (XX + XIX)
- Opportunity to change a lot in your life.
- Realization of what was conceived will change your destiny.
- Fame, birth of creative abilities.
- Recognition of creative merits.
The Judgement + The World (XX + XXI)
- Changes that have changed everything.
- You are fully in control of the situation.
- Fate favors you.
- Pet of fate.
- Recognition on merit.
- Lengthy process.
- A person has achieved something.
- Promotion.
- The trip will be very successful.