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XVI. The Tower in Combination with Major Arcana Tarot.
The Tower + The Fool (XVI + 0)
- The situation can have serious, even irreversible, consequences. The cause might be someone’s foolishness.
- Release or discharge from a position.
- Infantilism or lack of responsibility. Impulsive actions.
- Brain disorders.
- Mild madness.
- Lack of energy. Exhaustion.
The Tower + The Magician (XVI + I)
- Burn bridges and start anew.
- “… to the ground, and then…” You’ll have to start from scratch, on the ruins.
- Failure of all plans and projects.
- A potentially tragic situation.
The Tower + The High Priestess (XVI + II)
- Everything hidden will eventually become known. In this situation, the revelation of secret information is explosive.
- Finding the truth.
- Knowledge revealing secrets.
- Financial losses. Plans will be thwarted.
- Possible impact, accident.
The Tower + The Empress (XVI + III)
- Caution is needed in situations involving pregnancy.
- Profiting from misfortune.
- Danger, sad news.
The Tower + The Emperor (XVI + IV)
- Serious troubles with business, projects, or marriage, directly linked to the leader or person making significant decisions.
- Destruction of family or business.
- Everything will change, but not immediately.
The Tower + The Hierophant (XVI + V)
- No more faith. Certain life principles will have to be reconsidered, no matter how difficult that may be. Socially, avoid conflicts with superiors if you want to keep your job.
- Collapse of beliefs, destruction of ideals.
- Breaking of relationships.
The Tower + The Lovers (XVI + VI)
- Love has passed.
- Destruction of relationships.
- Haunted by pangs of conscience.
The Tower + The Chariot (XVI + VII)
- A warning to drivers, travelers, or those planning a journey. Be vigilant and careful. The chances of not reaching your destination are higher than ever.
- Road accident.
- Car theft or damage.
- Possible accident, trouble.
- Vanity ruins everything.
The Tower + Strength (XVI + VIII)
- Helplessness. Lack of strength to resist circumstances.
- Resilience in the face of fate’s blow.
- Complete severance of old ties.
The Tower + The Hermit (XVI + IX)
- Loneliness after a breakup.
The Tower + The Wheel of Fortune (XVI + X)
- If fate has been kind to you, prepare for its rebuffs. If it hasn’t, still be prepared.
- Sudden, unexpected change, unforeseen event putting a wrench in the works.
- Danger during a trip.
The Tower + Justice (XVI + XI)
- Justice trampled. Beware of unlawful, illegal actions.
- Punishment for lack of restraint.
- Actions not in your favor.
The Tower + The Hanged Man (XVI + XII)
- The situation won’t go without sacrifices.
- Immobility due to an accident.
- Events capable of turning life upside down.
- Danger, possibly from water.
The Tower + Death (XVI + XIII)
- Mortal danger, threat of death.
- Instant and permanent death.
- Swift impact, radical changes, and the destruction of the old way of life.
The Tower + Temperance (XVI + XIV)
- Unpleasant surprise.
- The consequences of the disaster are reversible.
The Tower + The Devil (XVI + XV)
- Fight temptation. It is ruinous for you.
- Losses associated with financial fraud.
The Tower + The Star (XVI + XVII)
- Disorganization.
- Despite the ruin, hope for a new option.
- Start anew. Look for alternatives.
- The situation might save you from something.
- Negative card for health. Hope for improvement.
- Salvation. Hope.
The Tower + The Moon (XVI + XVIII)
- Serious threat to mental health. Or someone’s unhealthy imagination poses a threat.
- Unexpected separation.
- Stressful situation.
- Emotionally intense situation.
- You’ve “broken.” You’re worrying too much.
The Tower + The Sun (XVI + XIX)
- Sudden realization. There will be a lot of light. Don’t get burned.
- Enlightenment, revelation.
- Not good for military personnel.
- Injury (Sun Mars).
- Inflammation.
- A new opportunity arises.
- People constantly quarrel.
- Misfortunes in the past.
- The sun rises anew for you.
The Tower + Judgment (XVI + XX)
- Vigilante justice.
- Chance to change your life.
- Sentence.
- Healing blow.
- Embrace changes after a blow.
The Tower + The World (XVI + XXI)
- Time to restore or rebuild.
- Restoration is underway.
- Peace after war.
- The situation will end well.
- Higher forces will help you rediscover yourself.