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IX. The Hermit in Combination with Major Arcana Tarot.
The Hermit + Fool (IX + 0)
Losing oneself.
Retreating into oneself from a reality threatening madness.
Withdrawal from the world.
The Hermit + Magician (IX + I)
A wise magician. Understanding oneself. Discovering hidden talents.
It’s time to take action. Do what you excel at.
The Hermit + High Priestess (IX + II)
A solitary woman. Another woman, betrayal, a secret associated with her.
Childlessness or single motherhood. Wisdom in solitude. A period of isolation.
Renunciation of pleasures. Voluntary exile. Reclusiveness. Unsociability. Self-discovery.
Self-reflection. Dedicate oneself to studying esoteric knowledge. Intuitive path.
Spiritual service to people. Spiritual purity. Monitor your health.
The Hermit + Empress (IX + III)
A wise woman. Self-sufficient. Working in solitude. Hidden business. Isolation.
Do not rush events, even if something is not satisfactory, everything will proceed in its own time.
Time for contemplation. Unrequited feelings. Health requires examination.
The Hermit + Emperor (IX + IV)
Gaining control over oneself. The person has experience, knowledge, and runs a business without advice or guidance.
Wise authority, solitary. Elderly solitary man.
The Hermit + Hierophant (IX + V)
A wise, solitary person with great life experience, capable of giving valuable advice.
Sage, elder, experienced person, elder of the family. Spiritual teacher.
Pay attention to spiritual life. The chosen course of action will lead to success.
Search for one’s own system of values. Consult doctors.
The Hermit + Lovers (IX + VI)
Formation of bonds and relationships. Finding a partner.
Emergence of sexual relationships, sometimes against the person’s will.
The Hermit + Chariot (IX + VII)
Journey towards a goal alone. Thoughts before the journey. Solitude interrupted.
The Hermit + Strength (IX + VIII)
Achieving the goal depends on your willpower. It awakens within you.
The personality strives for flourishing and demands new ways of development.
The Hermit + Wheel (IX + X)
The feeling of loneliness gradually fades. Emerging from isolation.
Thirst for change. Time to travel to see the world and broaden your horizons. Visiting doctors. Medical examination.
The Hermit + Justice (IX + XI)
A wise and experienced judge. To find justice. Take on the role of an arbiter. Fair decision in court is delayed.
Delay in developmental issues. Entering into marriage.
The Hermit + Hanged Man (IX + XII)
Forced solitude or confinement. Risk of losing freedom. Betrayal. Infidelity. Illness.
No money. No understanding at work. No support. You endure loneliness poorly and urgently need social interaction. Go for a gynecological examination.
The Hermit + Death (IX + XIII)
Slow transformation of loneliness. Painful solitude. But if there was one before, on the contrary.
Twilight of the soul. Withdrawal from the world. From worldly affairs. State of mourning. Loss.
The Hermit + Temperance (IX + XIV)
End of loneliness. Burst of energy. Life is in motion. Time is the best healer. Healing wounds after loss.
The Hermit + Devil (IX + XV)
Trap of loneliness. Not praying to the right god. Conflict of motives.
Temptation to act against oneself, to do something contrary to one’s nature. Faith in evil, in vice.
Temptation by material goods. Obsession. Extreme cynicism. Fits of vanity and irritation. Masochism in solitude.
May meet anyone, not for the best.
The Hermit + Tower (IX + XVI)
Accident. Scandal. Breakup of relationships. Couldn’t hide.
Unreasonable actions. You may be creatively successful, but at the same time destroy yourself.
You have excess energy and it may “blow up”. Better get a grip on yourself.
The Hermit + Star (IX + XVII)
Mission accomplished. The wait was long and now you await a reward.
Hope to shed light on your purpose. A solitary person. Unlikely to marry. Could be marriage abroad.
The Hermit + Moon (IX + XVIII)
Long loneliness. Self-examination. Late changes will occur in life.
Late success, if creative. Late accumulation in life. Not sharing with anyone.
If a person is a drinker, long binge. Fear of loneliness. Not the best outlet for the psyche. Hidden illness.
The Hermit + Sun (IX + XIX)
Chance to change something in life. Find the truth you’ve been seeking for so long.
Expecting a resurgence of activity after a long break.
Work hard, and luck will smile upon you. Disclosure of betrayal, secrets.
The Hermit + Judgment (IX + XX)
Events will make you think. Changes that need to be accepted.
They are for the better. Time to make a decision. You awaited the verdict of fate. It’s rendered – and not so bad.
Take action, difficulties are overcome, don’t waste time! You will answer only to yourself.
Unjust judgment (from an old interpreter). Receiving important news.
A major event, beginning of a new period in life.
The Hermit + World (IX + XXI)
Success that took a long time to arrive. Paid for everything. Roads are open.
Your abilities have finally been realized. Integration of personality.
Concept and its embodiment. Need to change location, travel to become wiser.
Wisdom has brought you to Olympus. Reduction of isolation, involvement in events flow.