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IV. The Emperor in Combination with Major Arcana Tarot.
Emperor + Fool (IV + 0)
- Loss of authority.
- Incompetent leader.
- Analyze your past to move forward into the future.
- Avoidance of relationships and responsibilities. Relationships lead to nothing.
- Make a definite choice.
- Wealth is leaving.
- School teacher.
- A person may abandon everything out of foolishness.
- Problems with the head.
- Leaving work for retirement.
Emperor + Magician (IV + I)
- Showcase your abilities.
- New idea.
- The company might be hiring.
- Improvement in financial status.
- Head of a large company.
Emperor + High Priestess (IV + II)
- A woman will gain power over you.
Emperor + Empress (IV + III)
- Reforms leading to results.
- Stable situation.
- The plan will be successfully implemented.
- Quick profit.
Emperor + Hierophant (IV + V)
- Adherence to etiquette and moral norms.
- Security. Constant support from people and higher powerful forces.
- Obligations under the law.
- Authority.
- Interaction with a high-ranking person, an official.
- Firm conviction.
- Promotion at work.
- Offer from a man.
- May include a marriage proposal.
- Official marriage.
- Taking on responsibility.
- Conservatism. Stability.
- Influence on a man’s fate.
- Discipline.
- Hierarchy, order, authority.
- Correctness, moral right.
- Father, elder man.
- Mentor, boss.
- Spiritual rank, orthodox, religious views.
- Lecturer at a university.
- Stubbornness.
- Religious career.
Emperor + Lovers (IV + VI)
- Taking on firm commitments.
- Meeting with a man.
- Acquaintance and romantic relationship.
- Pleasant time.
- Anxieties.
- Power of instincts. Feelings interfere with actions.
- Follow your mind, not your emotions.
- There might be a love triangle.
- Official relationships.
- The man loves select company.
- Stable relationships.
- Subordination, adherence to rules in relationships.
- A man’s choice of work, structure, service, profession.
- Work brings joy.
Emperor + Chariot (IV + VII)
- Circumstances will prevail over order.
- Purchase of a car.
- Benefit from a trip.
- Trip with a man or temporary separation (unlikely to speak of a good romance).
- Control over oneself. Self-control.
- Strong desire for leadership, conquest.
- Endurance, determination.
- Take diagnosis and work seriously.
- Professional military.
- Management, governance.
- Creating something utilitarian but solid and durable.
- Conqueror, strategist.
- Efforts in the field of travel, business trips.
- Offer to move to a new job.
Emperor + Strength (IV + VIII)
- Rebellion. Thirst for power.
- Pressure of authority.
- Health, victory in battle, surge of energy.
- Many opportunities for implementing your plans and ideas.
- Tension relief. Relax. Rest.
- Calm work.
- Passionate man.
- Possessive, jealous man.
- The man has a woman (relationship).
- Struggle with a man.
- Enough strength to win over a man and remove a rival.
- Do everything calmly.
- Health improvement and recovery.
Emperor + Hermit (IV + IX)
- Breakdown of family or group.
- Need to isolate yourself to think things through.
- Wait. Stop-frame. No work.
- Conservatism. Self-control.
- The person is closed off. Doesn’t want to communicate.
- Period of isolation. Introspection.
- Wisdom, power.
- Time to balance material with spiritual and seek wisdom alone.
- Wise advice.
- Wise authority, solitary.
- Elderly man, solitary man.
- Spiritual wealth.
- Inner support, principles.
- Abstinence, stubbornness.
- Recommended medical examination.
- The man may end up in the hospital.
Emperor + Wheel of Fortune (IV + X)
- Change in established order.
- Change in team structure.
- Minor changes, significant shifts, redistribution of resources.
- But your current position is stable.
- Change of priorities, leadership, job.
- Trip with a man.
- Turning point in destiny.
- The man is changing in life.
- Unreliable husband. Unsteady mind.
- Feeling of power over fate.
- Money and power can achieve everything.
- Ability to use money wisely for oneself and others.
- Giver, generosity (not wastefulness).
- Ability to manage others’ money (bank).
- Social status, material wealth.
- Karmic issues of power, status, values with a man, father.
- Greed, superiority.
- Luxury.
- Owner of a bar or casino.
Emperor + Justice (IV + XI)
- Inclination towards justice and hierarchy.
- Strictness, pause, taking stock.
- Legal matters.
- Problems with the state, the law.
- Control from outside, punishment.
- Behavior within conditions.
- Pause in progress.
- Legal dispute with relatives, bosses. Taxes. Insurance.
- Lawyers, attorneys will influence decisions.
- Reserved man.
- Could mean marriage or divorce.
Emperor + Hanged Man (IV + XII)
- Stubborn view on things hinders life.
- Attachment to material benefits.
- Change in social status, change of authority (sacrifice).
- Ruler and victim. Victim of conditions, boss, state, society, harassment, oppression.
- Review your job and attitude towards work.
- Work is stalled.
- Think everything through before making a decision.
- Should you buy? No. Might be deceived.
- Scandal over money.
- Business in alcohol and tobacco.
- Dissent, dissidence, execution.
- Betrayal. Wrong romantic relationships. Either adjust or leave.
- Don’t expect too much.
- Health problem.
Emperor + Death (IV + XIII)
- Life demands a new order.
- Difficult changes, change of lifestyle.
- End of a job. End of a relationship with a man.
- Painful transformation.
- Persistent trouble.
- Overplayed. The material world is collapsing.
- Loss of power, status, business, real estate.
- Surgical operation.
- Death of a husband, father, breadwinner.
- Premature death due to poor living conditions.
Emperor + Temperance (IV + XIV)
- Moderate conservatism.
- Quickness. Even in a streak of bad luck, you’ll find an opportunity to rest.
- Reserved man. Man-breadwinner.
- Acquaintance with him.
- Temporary relationships. Temporary work.
- Retraining.
- Restraint in feelings.
- Short trip somewhere.
- Temporary troubles. Will pass quickly.
- Take care of health.
- Combining positions.
- Ruler, peacemaker.
- Prolonged stability.
- Stagnation, pedantry.
- Obsessive care.
- Business in medicine, catering.
- Engaging in statistics, routine work.
- Help from an influential person.
- Great inner strength.
Emperor + Devil (IV + XV)
- Apparent order hiding chaos.
- Striving for physical pleasures, material benefits.
- Shadow structure.
- Despotism, unlimited power, fascism, dictatorship.
- Criminal business, mafia.
- Fatal personality in power.
- Showman.
- You are currently under the influence of money, emotions, or something else.
- Something is destroying a person. They stop controlling their desires and are dominated by feelings.
- Various obstacles, excesses.
- Where to get money?
- Slavery in work, finances, connections.
- Dependence on erotic desires. Alcohol.
- Temptation must be overcome.
- There is a lover.
- Negative influence from someone.
- Evil eye on a man or from a man.
Emperor + Tower (IV + XVI)
- Sudden emergency situation. Blow. Collapse. Everything falls apart.
- Destruction of order, stability, revolutionary reforms, repressions.
- Extreme stress. Scandal, quarrels, problems. Job dismissal.
- Destruction at home.
- Plans may not materialize.
- Aggression, belligerence.
- Aggressive man.
- Loss of career, father.
- Cerebral hemorrhage. Hemorrhagic stroke.
- Everything will change, but not now.
Emperor + Star (IV + XVII)
- Reward.
- Tremendous luck that comes once in a lifetime.
- Hope for a new meeting. New acquaintance.
- Working abroad.
- Star – search far away, abroad.
- Hope for a wish to come true.
- Material wealth should not be the main goal.
- Planning.
- High position obtained easily, easy career.
- Ability to always maintain self-respect.
- Help from an influential person.
- Exploring spaces, expanding horizons, spheres of influence.
- Artist.
Emperor + Moon (IV + XVIII)
- Powerlessness causing insecurity.
- Changeability, ephemeral wealth.
- Changes in fate. Change of partner.
- Foggy, illusory period.
- Insecurity in oneself, in the reliability, stability of one’s position, inferiority complex.
- Instability, turmoil in business and affairs.
- Fear of a man – father, responsibility.
- Irresponsibility, lack of power.
- Infantile or gentle man.
- Psychotherapist, addiction specialist.
- Desire to earn big money.
- The man likes to drink.
- Chronic alcoholism.
- Should see a doctor.
Emperor + Sun (IV + XIX)
- Thriving business.
- New connection.
- Marriage with a man.
- Fruitful union.
- Happiness in family.
- Addition.
- New job.
- New position.
Emperor + Judgment (IV + XX)
- Rise in authority.
- Time for favorable slow changes at work, in life, in love.
- Revival of business, firm, organization.
- Return of previous order, husband.
- Generosity, forgiveness, mercy.
- Karma along the male line of the family.
Emperor + World (IV + XXI)
- Success in any endeavor, lucky break.
- Money and abundance come to you effortlessly.
- Career.
- Studying languages.
- Business trip. Working abroad.
- Foreign man.
- Business expanding its horizons of influence.
- Relocation with a change of residence.
- A person in their rightful place.
- Achievement of goal, peak.