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II. The High Priestess in Combination with Major Arcana Tarot.
The High Priestess + The Fool (II + 0)
- Revelation of a Secret.
- Intuition Not Working.
- Departure from a Woman or Matters.
- A Woman with a Troubled Mind.
- Elderly Person with Senile Psychosis.
- Problem of a Choice That Does Not Exist.
The High Priestess + The Magician (II + I)
- Blackmail.
- Hidden motives.
- Scientific approach.
- Initiative comes into play.
- A person relies on their intuition.
- Meeting and conversation with a woman.
- Desire to engage in magical sciences. Secret knowledge.
- Secret trip with someone, somewhere.
- Presence of secret connections (a lover).
- Health issue. Some process is occurring unnoticed.
The High Priestess + The Empress (II + III)
- A woman is in a dual position.
- There may be two rival women.
- Friendship with an older, wise friend.
- Gaining experience.
- Pregnancy.
- Marriage is unsatisfactory.
- Single mother.
- Result obtained through knowledge.
- Creative impulse.
- Success and mastery due to intuition.
- Femininity.
- Motherhood, home comfort, coziness.
- Exemplary wife.
- Good listener.
- White magic.
- Healing.
- Strong attachment to mother, home, or overprotection of children.
The High Priestess + The Emperor (II + IV)
- Work requires a psychological approach to manage a team.
- Competent business conduct.
- One cannot do whatever they want.
- A man may have a secret woman.
- Love triangle.
- Meeting with a man who strengthens the self-doubtful High Priestess woman.
- Understanding man.
- Successful marriage and even wealth.
- Authority of the mother.
- Choice between society and inner life.
- Control over emotions, stable psyche.
- A man dependent on his mother.
The High Priestess + The Hierophant (II + V)
- Revelation from above. Spiritual practices.
- Learning.
- Higher education.
- Initiation into secret knowledge.
- Presence of a strong protector.
- Civil marriage or temporary relationships.
- Support from a woman.
- Genetics, heredity.
- Parents have a significant influence on a person.
- Mother and father.
- Religiosity and a religious family.
- Family upbringing.
The High Priestess + The Lovers (II + VI)
- Temptation: keep silent or reveal the secret.
- Presence of a love triangle.
- Secret meetings.
- Subtle, sensual relationships.
- Inability to make a decision, doubts in choice and love, inconsistency in feelings.
- Choice made through intuition.
- Trust your feelings.
- Creativity. Search for beauty and spirituality.
- Passive attitude.
The High Priestess + The Chariot (II + VII)
- Do not interfere in the course of events.
- Secret acquaintance on the way.
- Journey with a woman. Travel.
- Management using intuition.
- Managing a woman.
- Secret influence of a woman on life path.
- Thought about career, moving, changing residence.
- Secretly changing job.
- Favorable change of place.
- Automatism of actions.
- Duality of goals.
The High Priestess + Strength (II + VIII)
- Need to keep silent.
- Take a pause and gather strength.
- Secret desires, passions.
- Thirst for battle.
- Confrontation with a strong rival.
- Victory over a rival thanks to intuition.
- Acquaintance with a man.
- Important meeting that will give strength and confidence for the future, even if some rivalry is necessary.
- Dramatization of feelings, secret rivalry, and jealousy.
- Need to rid oneself of aggressive intentions.
- Saving people, healing.
- Desire for admiration, romance, and sympathy.
The High Priestess + The Hermit (II + IX)
- Possession of a secret.
- Wisdom in solitude.
- Period of isolation. Renunciation of pleasures.
- Voluntary exile.
- Hidden enemies.
- State of waiting.
- Doubts. Distrust.
- Intuitive path.
- Childlessness or single mother.
- Lonely woman.
- Spiritual service to people.
- Spiritual purity.
- Shyness, doubts about the path, problems with self-esteem.
- Monitor your health.
- Need for a medical check-up.
The High Priestess + The Wheel of Fortune (II + X)
- Passive response to changes.
- Unstable opinion. Intuition in behavior. Doubts. Mood swings.
- Trip may be secret and quick return.
- Desire to change something in destiny.
- Fateful person.
- Moving together with someone.
- Successful trip.
- Idealism.
- Sense of the quality of the moment, luck, hidden inner values.
- Working with past lives.
- Karmic connection with mother.
The High Priestess + Justice (II + XI)
- Secret plan that can be uncovered through logic, disregarding feelings.
- Dream of marriage or divorce.
- Fair judgment.
- Legal matters require consideration.
- Woman lawyer or psychologist.
- Do not trust what is happening.
- A lawsuit is brewing.
- Secret manipulation in legal proceedings.
- Women’s career.
- Politeness, precision.
- Partnership with mother.
- Punishment, mother’s revenge.
- Rationalization of unpleasantness as psychological defense.
- Conflict between intuition and analytical thinking.
The High Priestess + The Hanged Man (II + XII)
- Distorted information.
- Fraud. Deception.
- Victim of deceit.
- Betrayal by a woman.
- Voluntary refusal.
- Inaction.
- Unwanted pregnancy or single mother.
- Self-sacrifice for children.
- Hormonal imbalance. Weight issues.
- Unhealthy lifestyle.
- Unwillingness to be independent.
- Mental disorders, split personality.
The High Priestess + Death (II + XIII)
- Information that needs to be reconsidered.
- Karmic sentence.
- Change in financial situation.
- Transition to a new state.
- Painful reassessment of values with a friend.
- Loss of a close person.
- Death of a mother.
- Difficult relationships with someone.
- Rival will remove themselves.
- Severe transformation for the psyche.
- Retreat is not an option.
- Black magic.
- Love magic.
- Jealousy, vengefulness.
- Suppressed sexual feelings.
- Hiding the reasons.
- Desire to change family.
The High Priestess + Temperance (II + XIV)
- Effortless adaptation to the situation.
- Time to prepare for changes.
- Respite.
- Relationships with someone are temporary.
- Restrained friendship with a woman.
- Quick visit.
- Healing.
- Using energy for healing purposes.
- Reasonable lifestyle.
- Moderation in food, drink.
- Idealism.
- Mental harmony.
- Identification with certain values.
- Bias.
- Sensing the needs of others.
The High Priestess + The Devil (II + XV)
- Cunning plan, manipulations.
- Black witch.
- Attachment to past memories.
- Lust, sexual dissatisfaction.
- Dependence on a woman.
- Dependence on duality.
- Betrayal of oneself.
- Secret power.
- Desire to be a grey cardinal.
- Disregard for others’ feelings.
- Secret, dark side of the soul.
The High Priestess + The Tower (II + XVI)
- Risk of miscarriage or premature birth.
- Destruction of the feminine principle.
- Need for gynecological examination.
- Disruption of comfort.
- Unconsidered impulsive actions.
- Liberation from duality.
- Revealing a painful secret.
- Cruel treatment of a woman.
The High Priestess + The Star (II + XVII)
- Foresight.
- Occult knowledge.
- Retrospective.
- Review of the past.
- Insights, intuition.
- Ability to rise above the situation.
The High Priestess + The Moon (II + XVIII)
- Deception.
- Rival.
- Absurdity.
- Paganism.
- Sensuality.
- Animal instinct.
- Female cycle.
- Ability to absorb thoughts and feelings of others.Parapsychology.Empathy.Improper relationships with the mother (fears).Sensitivity.Paranoia, neuroses, health problems.
The High Priestess + The Sun (II + XIX)
- All secrets become revealed.
- A woman in a male-dominated profession.
- Witch (Hecate).
- Proud person, romantic.
- Desire for affection.
- Prima donna.
- Susceptibility to flattery.
- Great desire to be loved due to improper relationships with the mother.
The High Priestess + Judgment (II + XX)
- Improvement of the situation.
- Revelation of secrets.
- Healing.
- Nobility, elderly people.
- Seeking reasons.
- Working with past lives, with ancestral karma.
The High Priestess + The World (II + XXI)
- Discovery.
- Birth of a child.
- Graduation.
- Breadth, completeness of information.